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The adsorption and reaction of vinyl acetate on Au/Pd(100) alloy surfaces, Li, Z.; Calaza, F.; Tysoe, W. T., Surf. Sci., 606, 1113-1119 (2012)
On the film thickness dependence of shear strengths in sliding, boundary-layer friction, Garvey, M.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., Wear, 274-275, 281-285 (2012)
Structure of the Au/Pd(100) Alloy Surface, Garvey, M.; Boscoboinik, J. A.; Burkholder, L.; Walker, J.; Plaisance, C.; Neurock, M.; Tysoe, W. T., J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 4692-4697 (2012)

On the Pressure Dependence of Shear Strengths in Sliding, Boundary-Layer Friction, Garvey, M.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., Tribol. Lett., 44, 67-73 (2011)
Shear properties of potassium chloride films on iron obtained using density functional theory, Garvey, M.; Furlong, O. J.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 23, 265003 (2011)
Shear-Induced Surface-to-Bulk Transport at Room Temperature in a Sliding Metal-Metal Interface, Furlong, O. J.; Miller, B. P.; Tysoe, W. T., Tribol. Lett., 41, 257-261 (2011)
Low-Temperature, Shear-Induced Tribofilm Formation from Dimethyl Disulfide on Copper, Furlong, O. J.; Miller, B. P.; Kotvis, P.; Tysoe, W. T., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 3, 795-800 (2011)
Shear-induced boundary film formation from dialkyl sulfides on copper, Furlong, O.; Miller, B.; Tysoe, W. T., Wear, 274-275, 183-187 (2011)
The surface chemistry of diethyl disulfide on copper, Furlong, O.; Miller, B.; Li, Z.; Tysoe, W. T., Surf. Sci., 605, 606-611 (2011)
Stabilization of carboxylate surface species on Pd(111), Calaza, F.; Tysoe, W. T.; Stacchiola, D. J., Adsorpt. Sci. Technol., 29, 603-611 (2011)
Reaction between ethylene and acetate species on clean and oxygen-covered Pd(100): implications for the vinyl acetate monomer formation pathway, Calaza, F.; Li, Z.; Tysoe, W. T., Catal. Lett., 141, 266-270 (2011)
Structure of Methyl Pyruvate and α-(1-Naphthyl)ethylamine on Pd(111), Burkholder, L.; Garvey, M.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 8790-8797 (2011)
Efficient Transport of Gold Atoms with a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Tip and a Linker Molecule, Boscoboinik, J. A.; Kohlmeyer, R. R.; Chen, J.; Tysoe, W. T., Langmuir, 27, 9337-9344 (2011)
Structure and Distribution of S-α-(1-Naphthyl)-ethylamine on Pd(111), Boscoboinik, J. A.; Bai, Y.; Burkholder, L.; Tysoe, W. T., J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 16488-16494 (2011)
Creation of low-coordination gold sites on Au(111) surface by 1,4-phenylene diisocyanide adsorption, Boscoboinik, J.; Kestell, J.; Garvey, M.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., Top. Catal., 54, 20-25 (2011)

Surface segregation of gold for Au/Pd(111) alloys measured by low-energy electron diffraction and low-energy ion scattering, Li, Z.; Furlong, O.; Calaza, F.; Burkholder, L.; Poon, H. C.; Saldin, D.; Tysoe, W. T., Surface Science, 602, 1084-1091 (2008)
Probing reaction pathways on model catalyst surfaces: Vinyl acetate synthesis and olefin metathesis, Gao, F.; Wang, Y.; Calaza, F.; Stacchiola, D.; Tysoe, W. T., Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 281, 14-23 (2008)
The structure and reactivity of 2-butanol on Pd(111), Gao, F.; Wang, Y.; Burkholder, L.; Hirschmugl, C.; Saldin, D. K.; Poon, H. C.; Sholl, D.; James, J.; Tysoe, W. T., Surface Science, 602, 2264-2270 (2008)
The adsorption and reaction of vinyl acetate on Au/Pd(111) alloy surfaces, Calaza, F.; Li, Z.; Gao, F.; Boscoboinik, J.; Tysoe, W. T., Surface Science, 602, 3523-3530 (2008)
Pressure Dependence of Shear Strengths of Thin Films Measured in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Feng Gao, Peter V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, in preparation
Low-energy Electron Diffraction Structure Determination of Disordered Overlayers: Ethylidyne and Vinylidene on Pd(111), T. Zhang, H.C. Poon, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, in preparation
Calculations of the Shear Properties of Potassium Chloride using Density Functional Theory, O. Furlong, M. Wienert and W. T. Tysoe, in preparation
Study of Thermal Programmed Desorption of Chiral Propylene-Oxide from Pd(111) Surfaces, V. Bustos, W.T. Tysoe, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and G. Zgrablich, in preparation
Enantioselective Chemisorption and Reactions on Model Chirally Modified Surfaces: 2-Butanol on L-Proline Templated Pd(111) Surfaces, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang and W.T. Tysoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., submitted
Enantioselective Reactions on a Au/Pd(111) Surface Alloy with Co-adsorbed Chiral 2-Butanol and Propylene Oxide, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Zhenjun Li, Octavio Furlong and W.T. Tysoe, J. Chem. C., submitted.
Coverage Effects in Density Functional Theory Calculations for Palladium-catalyzed Synthesis of Vinyl Acetate: Comparison Between Theory and Experiment, Dario Stacchiola, Florencia Calaza, Matthew Neurock and Wilfred T. Tysoe, in preparation
Surface Segregation of Gold on Au/Pd(111) Alloys Measured by Low-energy Electron Diffraction and Low-energy Ion Scattering, Zhenjun Li, Octavio Furlong, Florencia Calaza, Luke Burkholder, Hin Cheuk Poon, Dilano Saldin and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., submitted
Monte Carlo and Density Functional Theory Analysis of the Distribution of Gold and Palladium Atoms on Au/Pd(111) Alloys, Jorge A. Boscoboinik, Craig Plaisance, Matthew Neurock and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Physical Review B, submitted
Surface Chemistry of Acetic Acid on Clean and Oxygen Covered Pd(100), Zhenjun Li, Feng Gao and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., in press
Enantioselective Chemisorption of Propylene Oxide on a 2-Butanol-Modified Pd(111) Surface: The Role of Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and Wilfred. T. Tysoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., in press
Chemistry of L-Proline on Pd(111): Temperature-programmed Desorption and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 3579 (2007)
Review of "Surface and Nanomolecular Catalysis", W.T. Tysoe, Nanotoday, 2, 53 (2007)
Probing Reaction Pathways on Model Catalyst Surfaces: Vinyl Acetate Synthesis and Olefin Metathesis, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Florencia Calaza, Dario Stacchiola and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Journal of Molecular Catalysis: A Chemical, in press
Chemistry of Alanine on Pd(111): Temperature-programmed Desorption and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study, Feng Gao, Zhenjun Li, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 3276 (2007)
Chemistry of Glycine on Pd(111): Temperature-programmed Desorption and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study, Feng Gao, Zhenjun Li, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem. C., 111, 9981 (2007)
Formation and Characterization of Au/Pd Surface Alloys on Pd (111), Zhenjun Li, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Florencia Calaza, Luke Burkholder and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 1898 (2007)
The Adsorption of Acetic Acid on Au/Pd(111) Alloy Surfaces, Z. Li, F. Calaza, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 1351 (2007)
The Adsorption of Ethylene on Au/Pd(111) Alloy Surfaces, F. Calaza, F. Gao, Z. Li and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 714 (2007)
Understanding the Tribological Chemistry of Chlorine- , Sulfur- and Phosphorus-containing Additives, O. Furlong, F. Gao, P. Kotvis and W. T. Tysoe, Trib. Int., 40, 699 (2007)
The Surface Chemistry of Propylene, 1-iodopropane and 1,3-diiodopropane on MoAl Alloy Thin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem. B., 110, 12555 (2006)
The Formation and Decomposition of C3 Metallacycles From Ethylene and Methylene on MoAl Alloy Thin Films, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang and Wilfred. T. Tysoe, J. Am Chem. Soc., 128, 7091 (2006)
The Chemistry of Ethylene on MoAl Alloy Thin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina: Hydrogenation, Dehydrogenation and H-D Exchange Reactions, F. Gao, Y. Wang, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 600, 1837 (2006)
Ethylene Hydrogenation on Mo(CO)6 Derived Model Catalysts in Ultrahigh Vacuum: From Oxycarbide to Carbide to MoAl Alloy, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang and W.T. Tysoe, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 249, 111 (2006)
Interaction of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl with Hydroxylated Alumina Thin Films at High Temperatures: Formation and Removal of Surface Carbides, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal A: Chemical, 248, 32 (2006)
Surface Chemistry of Tribochemical Reactions Explored in Ultrahigh Vacuum Conditions, J. Lara-Romero, R. Maya-Yescas, J.L. Rico-Cerda, J.L. Rivera-Rojas, F.C. Castillo, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Thin Solid Films, 496, 463 (2006)
Structure and Decomposition Pathways of Vinyl Acetate on Pd(111), Florencia Calaza Dario Stacchiola M. Neurock and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 598, 263 (2005)
Interaction of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl with Metallic Aluminum at High Temperatures: Carbide and Alloy Formation, F. Gao, Y. Wang and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal A: Chemical, 236, 18 (2005)
The Chemistry of CH2I2 on MoAl Alloy Thin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina: Insight into Methylene Insertion Reactions, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem. B., 109, 15497 (2005)
The Chemistry of Iodomethane on MoAl Alloy Thin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina: Formation and Reaction of Surface Methyl Species, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 590, 181 (2005)
Understanding the Tribological Chemistry of Chlorine- and Sulfur- and Phosphorus-containing Additives, Wilfred T. Tysoe, Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress, 2005
On the Reaction Mechanism for the Formation of Vinyl Acetate by the Reaction of Ethylene with Acetate Species on Palladium(111), D. Stacchiola, F. Calaza, L. Burkholder, A. W. Schwabacher, M. Neurock and W. T. Tysoe, Angew. Chem., 44, 4572 (2005)
Frontiers of Fundamental Tribological Research, Scott S. Perry and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Tribol. Letts., 19, 151 (2005)
Interaction of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl with Dehydroxylated Alumina Thin Films at High Temperatures: Formation and Removal of Surface Carbides, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal A: Chemical, 235, 173 (2005)
Tribological Properties of Films Formed by the Reaction of Carbon Tetrachloride with Iron, Feng Gao, Octavio Furlong, Peter V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribol. Letts., 20, 171 (2005)
Interaction of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl with Metallic Aluminum at High Temperatures: Carbide and Alloy Formation, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical, 236, 18 (2005)
The Kinetics of Ethylene Hydrogenation Catalyzed by Metallic Palladium, H. Molero, D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Catal. Letts., 101, 145 (2005)
Structure and Binding Site of Acetate on Pd(111) Determined Using Density Functional Theory and Low Energy Electron Diffraction, Joanna James, Dilano K. Saldin, T. Zheng, W. T. Tysoe and David S. Sholl, Catalysis Today, 105, 74 (2005)
The Tribological Properties of Low-Friction Hydrogenated Diamond-like Carbon Measured in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Feng Gao, Ali Erdemir and Wilfred. T. Tysoe, Tribol. Letts., 20, 221 (2005)
Reaction of Tributyl Phosphate with Oxidized Iron: Surface Chemistry and Tribological Significance, Feng Gao, Peter V. Kotvis, Dario Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Tribol. Letts., 18, 375 (2005)
W.T. Tysoe and J. Rodriguez, Preface, J. Mol. Catal. A, Chemical, 228, 1 (2005)
Hydrocarbon Conversion on Palladium Catalysts, D. Stacchiola, F. Calaza, T. Zheng and Wilfred T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal. A, Chemical, 228, 35 (2005)
The Structure of Formate Species on Pd(111) Calculated by Density Functional Theory and Determined Using Low Energy Electron Diffraction, T. Zheng, D. Stacchiola, D.K. Saldin, J. James, D.S. Sholl and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 574, 166 (2005)
Requirements for the Formation of a Chiral Template, D. Stacchiola, L. Burkholder, T. Zheng, M. Weinert and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem. B.,109, 851 (2005)
Vinyl Acetate Formation By the Reaction of Ethylene with Acetate Species on Oxygen-Covered Pd(111), Dario Stacchiola, Florencia Calaza, Luke Burkholder and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, 15384 (2004)
X-ray Absorption Near-edge Structure Analysis of the Chemical Environment of Zinc in the Tribological Films Formed by Zinc Dialkyl Dithiophosphate Decomposition on Steel, M.D Pauli, T.S. Rufael, J.K. Mowlem, M. Weinert, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology International, 38, 195 (2005)

Determination of the Structure of Disordered Overlayers of Ethylene on Clean and Hydrogen-covered Pd(111) by Low Energy Electron Diffraction, T. Zheng, D. Stacchiola, H.C. Poon, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 564, 71 (2004)
Lattice-gas Modeling of Enantioselective Adsorption by Template Chiral Substrates, F. Romá, D. Stacchiola, W.T. Tysoe and G. Zgrablich, Physica A., 338, 493 (2004)
The Friction, Mobility and Transfer of Tribological Films: Potassium Chloride and Ferrous Chloride on Iron, Feng Gao, Peter V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Wear, 256, 1005 (2004)
Probing Enantioselective Chemisorption in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Darío Stacchiola, Luke Burkholder and Wilfred T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal A: Chemical, 216, 215 (2004)
Surface Chemistry of Extreme-Pressure Lubricant Additives, in Surface Modifications and Processing: Physical and Chemical Tribological Methodologies, Edited by H. Liang and G.E. Totten. W.T. Tysoe and P.V. Kotvis, 299-352 (2004)
The Frictional Behavior of Thin Halide Films on Iron, Feng Gao, Peter V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribol. Trans., 47, 208 (2004)
Structure Determination of Disordered Organic Molecules on Surfaces from the Bragg Spots of Low Energy Electron Diffraction and Total Energy Calculations, H. C. Poon, M. Weinert, D. K. Saldin, D. Stacchiola, T. Zheng and W. T. Tysoe, Phys. Rev. B., 69, 035401 (2004)
Kinetic and Reactive Properties of Ethylene on Clean and Hydrogen-covered Pd(111), L. Burkholder, D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Review and Letters, 10, 909 (2003)
A Comparative Investigation of Aryl Isocyanides Chemisorbed to Palladium and Gold: An ATR-IR Spectroscopic Study, K.L. Murphy, W.T. Tysoe and D.W. Bennett., Langmuir, 20, 1732 (2004)
The Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on the Chemistry of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Thin Alumina Films in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Y. Wang, F. Gao, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical, 209, 135 (2004)
An Investigation of the Chemistry of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Thin Dehydroxylated Alumina Films in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Y. Wang, F, Gao, M. Kaltchev, D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Catalysis Letters, 91, 83 (2003)
The Catalytic Chemistry Of Small Hydrocarbons On Palladium: Cyclization, and Hydrogenation, D. Stacchiola, O. Furlong and W. T. Tysoe, Proceedings of the 2° Congreso de Catálisis, Córdoba, Argentina, 2003, Page 102
Surface and Tribological Chemistry of Chlorine- and Sulfur-Containing Lubricant Additives, F. Gao, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe,Tribology International, 37, 87 (2004)

Structure and Reactivity of Propylene on Clean and Hydrogen-covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 542, 129 (2003)
The Effect of Subsurface Hydrogen on the Adsorption of Ethylene on Pd(111), D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 540, L600 (2003)
The Frictional Properties of Thin Inorganic Halide Films on Iron Measured in Ultrahigh Vacuum, F. Gao, P.V. Kotvis, and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Letters, 15, 327 (2003)
Theoretical Analysis of the Coverage Dependence of Enantioselective Chemisorption on a Chirally Patterned Surface, F. Roma, D. Stacchiola, G. Zgrablich and W. T. Tysoe, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118, 6030 (2003)
An Infrared Spectroscopic and Temperature-programmed Desorption Study of Methyl Iodide Hydrogenation on Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, Y. Wang and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 524, 173 (2003)
The Surface and Tribological Chemistry of Chlorine- and Sulfur-containing Lubricant Additives, Feng Gao, Peter Kotvis and Wilfred T. Tysoe, AUSTRIB 2002 Proceedings, 1, 339 (2003)
Substituted Hydrocarbons, Chapter in Landolt and Börnstein "Physics of Covered Solid Surfaces", H. Bonzel, Editor, W.T. Tysoe and D. Mullins, (2003)
The Tribological Properties of Monolayer KCl Films on Iron in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Modeling the Extreme-Pressure Lubricating Interface, F. Gao, M. Kaltchev, P.V. Kotvis, and W.T. Tysoe, Trib. Letts., 14, 99 (2003)

Enantioselective Chemisorption on a Chirally Patterned Surface in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Adsorption of Propylene Oxide on 2-butoxy-Covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 8984 (2002)
The Adsorption of Ethylene on Ethylidyne-covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 513, L431 (2002)
Ethylene Adsorption on Pd(111) Studied Using Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy, D. Stacchiola, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 511, 215 (2002)
An Investigation of the Tribological Properties of Thin KCl Films on Iron in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Modeling the Extreme-Pressure Lubricating Interface, G. Wu, F. Gao, M. Kaltchev, J. Gutow, J. Mowlem, W.C. Schramm, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Wear, 252, 595 (2002)
An Investigation of the Surface Chemistry of Crown Ethers: The Adsorption and Reaction of 12-crown-4 on Palladium (111), S. Azad, B.Laack and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 496, 87 (2002)
Surface Physical Characterization, W.T. Tysoe and G. Wu, in Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, Eds J. Moore and N. D. Spencer, Institute of Physics, 2002

Molecular Beam and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of the Thermodynamics of CO on Clean and Vinylidene-covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, G. Wu, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Chem. Phys., 115, 3315 (2001)
An Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Methyl Iodide and Methylene Iodide on Ag(111), G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Collins and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Rev. and Letts., 8, 303 (2001)
A Reflection-Absorption Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Adsorption of Ethylene and Ethylene Oxide on Oxygen-Covered Ag(111), D. Stacchiola, G. Wu, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 486, 9 (2001)
Palladium-Catalyzed Cyclotrimerization and Hydrogenation: From Ultrahigh Vacuum to High-Pressure Catalysis, D. Stacchiola, H. Molero and W.T. Tysoe, Catalysis Today, 65, 3 (2001)
On the Effect of Hydrogen on the Palladium-Catalyzed Formation of Benzene from Acetylene, D. Stacchiola, G. Wu, H. Molero and W. T. Tysoe, Catal, Letts., 71, 1 (2001)
Spectroscopic Studies of Ethylene Adsorption on Oxygen-modified Ag(111) at High Pressures, G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal. A, 167, 13 (2001)
Proceedings of the Second San Luis Conference on Surface Science and Catalysis, Francisco Zaera, Celso M. Aldao, Richard M. Lambert, Wilfred T. Tysoe, Giorgio Zgrablich, J. Mol. Catal. A, 167, 1 (2001)
A Molecular Beam Study of the Tribological Chemistry of Dialkyl Disulfides, M. Kaltchev, P.V. Kotvis, J. Lara, T.J. Blunt and W.T. Tysoe, Trib. Letts., 10, 45 (2001)
A System Based on Metal Alkyl Species that Forms Chemically Bound Organic Overlayers on Hydroxylated Planar Surfaces, B.W. Koeck, R.J. Kleisner, M.J. Phillips, J.A. Wieland, J.H. Gutow, V. Boiadjiev and W.T. Tysoe, Thin Solid Films, 381, 10 (2001)
The Adsorption and Structure of CO on Ethylidyne-covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 470, L32 (2000)
A Molecular Beam Study of the Tribological Chemistry of Carbon Tetrachloride on Oxygen-Covered Iron, M. Kaltchev, G. Celichowski, J. Lara and W.T. Tysoe, Trib. Letts., 9, 161 (2000)
The Decomposition of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Thin Alumina Films at High Temperatures: Formation and Reduction of Carbides, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 196, 40 (2000)
Palladium-Catalyzed Acetylene Cyclotrimerization: From Ultrahigh Vacuum To High-Pressure Catalysis, D. Stacchiola, H. Molero and W. T. Tysoe, Proceedings of CLASCA 9, 3 (2000)
Adsorption, Decomposition and Isomerization of Methylisocyanide and Acetonitrile on Pd(111), K. Murphy, S. Azad, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 467, 1 (2000)
An Investigation of the Surface Chemistry of Crown Ethers: The Adsorption and Reaction of 1,4-dioxane on Palladium (111), S. Azad and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 464, 183 (2000)
Infrared and NMR Spectroscopic Studies of n-Alkanethiols Chemically Grafted on Dimethylzinc-Modified Silica Surfaces, V. Boiadjiev, A. Blumenfeld, J. Gutow and W.T. Tysoe, Chem. Mater., 12, 2604 (2000)
A Study of the Stereoselectivity in the Dimerization of Ethylidene to Form 2-Butene on Ag(111), G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Katlchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, 8232 (2000)
The Adsorption and Reaction of 2-iodoethanol on Ag(111), G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 463, 81 (2000)
Preparation and Characterization of Alumina-Supported Metal-Carbonyl-Derived Model Catalytic Systems in UHV Conditions, M. Kaltchev and W. T Tysoe, Topics in Catalysis, 13, 121 (2000)
The Surface Chemistry and Decarbonylation of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Thin Alumina Films, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 193, 29 (2000)
The Adsorption and Reaction of Acetaldehyde on Clean Ag(111), G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Collins and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Rev. and Letts., 7, 271 (2000)
The Surface and Tribological Chemistry of Carbon Disulfide as an Extreme-Pressure Additive, J. Lara, K. Surerus, P.V. Kotvis, M. E. Contreras, J.L. Rico and W.T. Tysoe, Wear, 239, 77 (2000)
An Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Thin Alumina Films: Measurement of Acid Sites and Surface Reactivity, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 430, 29 (1999)
On the Reaction Pathway for the Formation of Benzene from Acetylene Catalyzed by Palladium, M. Kaltchev, H. Molero, D. Stacchiola, G. Wu, A. Blumenfeld and W.T. Tysoe, Catal. Letts., 60, 11 (1999)
The Surface and Tribological Chemistry of Carbon Tetrachloride on Iron, J. Lara and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Letters, 6, 195 (1999)
Palladium-catalyzed Acetylene Cyclotromerization: From Ultrahigh Vacuum to High-pressure Catalysis, W.T. Tysoe, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 38, 313 (1999)
The Kinetics and Infrared Spectroscopy of C1 Hydrocarbons Adsorbed on Clean and Oxygen-modified Mo(100), G. Wu, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Review and Letters, 6, 13 (1999)
The Hydrogenation of Acetylene Catalyzed by Palladium: Hydrogen Pressure Dependence, H. Molero, B.F. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 181, 49 (1999)
The Surface and Catalytic Chemistry of Olefin Metathesis Catalyzed by Metallic and Oxygen-Modified Molybdenum. Gefei Wu, Brian Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal., A 131, 91 (1998)
An Infrared Study Of The Surface Species Formed By Sequential Chemical Vapor Deposition Of Dimethyl Zinc And Ethanethiol On Hydroxylated Alumina Surfaces, Vassil Boiadjiev and W.T. Tysoe, Chemistry of Materials, 10, 1141 (1998)
Reaction Pathway and Stereoselectivity of Olefin Metathesis at High Temperature, B. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 176, 439 (1998)
The Surface Chemistry and Extreme-Pressure Lubricant Properties of Dimethyl Disulfide, Javier Lara, Thomas Blunt, Peter Kotvis, Alan Riga and Wilfred T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem., B102, 1703 (1998)
The Surface Chemistry of 2-Butene Adsorbed on Mo(100), Oxygen-Covered Mo(100) and MoO2, Gefei Wu, H. Molero and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 397, 179 (1998)
The Chemistry of Methyl Iodide on Mo(100): Formation and Reaction of Adsorbed Methyl Species, G. Wu and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 397, 179 (1998)
Surface and Catalytic Chemistry of Small Hydrocarbons on Oxidized Molybdenum, Gefei Wu, Brian Bartlett and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 14, 1435 (1998)
The Surface Chemistry of Chlorine- and Sulfur-containing Extreme-Pressure Lubricant Additives, J. Lara, P. V. Kotvis and W. T. Tysoe, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Tribochemistry, Poland, 79 (1998)
The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubricant Additives, Part II. Modelling the Tribological Interface. T.J. Blunt, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Transactions, 41, 129 (1998)
The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubricant Additives, Part I. Extreme Pressure Tribology. T.J. Blunt, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Transactions, 41, 117 (1998)
The Effect of Hydrogen on the Carbonaceous Layer Formed on Molybdenum Model Catalysts During High-Temperature Propylene Metathesis, G.Wu, B. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 173, 172 (1998)
Infrared Study of the Surface Species Formed By Sequential Chemical Vapor Deposition Of Trimethyl Aluminum And Methanol On a Hydroxylated Alumina Surface, V. Boiadjiev and W.T. Tysoe, Chem. Mater., 10, 334 (1998)
The Interaction of Effusive Beams of Methylene Chloride and Chloroform with Clean Iron: Tribochemical Reactions Explored in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Javier Lara and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 14, 307 (1998)

The Surface Chemistry of Propylene Adsorbed on Mo(100), Oxygen-Covered Mo(100) and MoO2, Gefei Wu and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 391, 134 (1997)
The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Extreme Pressure Lubricant Additives. J. Lara, P. V. Kotvis and W. T. Tysoe, Tribology Letters, 3, 303 (1997)
The Surface Chemistry of Ethylene Adsorbed on Mo(100), Oxygen-Covered Mo(100) and MoO2. Gefei Wu, Brian Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 383, 57 (1997)
The Nature of the Carbonaceous Layer Formed on a MoO3 Model Catalyst During Propylene Metathesis. B.F. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, Catalysis Letters, 46, 101 (1997)
The Surface Chemistry of Methylene Iodide Adsorbed on Clean and Oxygen-Covered Mo(100): Formation and Chemistry of Carbenes. Gefei Wu, B. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 373, 129 (1997)
The Metathesis of Propylene Catalyzed by Model Oxides Studied Using a High-pressure Reactor Incorporated into an Ultrahigh Vacuum Chamber. B.F. Bartlett, H. Molero and W.T. Tysoe. Journal of Catalysis, 167, 470 (1997)
Molybdenum Metal Catalyzed Reaction of Ethylene. B. F. Bartlett and W. T. Tysoe, Catalysis Letters, 44, 37 (1997)
On the Dependence with Bond Lengths of the Observed Energies of Sigma Resonances of Diatomic Molecules. V.L. Shneerson, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 375, 340 (1997)
The Adsorption Site and Orientation of CH3S on Ni(111). D. R. Mullins, D.R. Huntley, T. Tang, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 380, 468 (1997)
The Adsorption Site and Orientation of CH3S and Sulfur on Ni(001) Using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. D. R. Mullins , T. Tang, X. Chen,V. Shneerson, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 372, 193 (1997).
The Nature of the Lubricating Film Formed by Carbon Tetrachloride Under Conditions of Extreme Pressure. P.V. Kotvis, J. Lara, K. Surerus and W. T. Tysoe, Wear, 201, 10 (1996)
Determination of Interfacial Temperatures Under Extreme Pressure Conditions. T.J. Blunt, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Letters, 2, 221 (1996)
Spectroscopic Study of AlN Film Formation by Sequential Reaction of Ammonia and Trimethylaluminum on Alumina. C. Soto, V. Boiadjiev and W.T. Tysoe, Chem. Mater., 8, 2359 (1996)
Structure and Growth Kinetics of Films Formed by the Thermal Decomposition of CCl4 on Iron Surfaces, J. Lara, H. Molero, A. Ramirez-Cuesta and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 12, 2488 (1996)
Statistics of Reactive Ensembles on Regular Surfaces: Application to Benzene from Acetylene on Pd(111), A. Ramirez-Cuesta, W.T. Tysoe, G. Zgrablich and J.L. Riccardo, Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 8, 1359 (1996)
Analytical Theory of NEXAFS of Diatomic Molecules, V.L. Shneerson, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Phys. Rev. B., 53, 10177 (1996)
The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubricant Additives, W.T. Tysoe, Proceedings of the Adriatico Research Conference on the Physics of Sliding Friction, Eds, B.N.J. Persson and E. Tosatti, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996) 265
Calculation of Resonances in Near-edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectra Using the Constant Chemical Potential Local Density Approximation Method, V. Shneerson, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 345, 155 (1996)
Metal-Catalyzed Hydrocarbon Conversion Reactions, W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 12, 78 (1996)
Advances in the Measuring and Modeling of Surface Phenomena, G. Zgrablich, E. Albano and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 12, 1 (1996)

Temperature Programmed Desorption of Co-adsorbed Hydrogen and Acetylene on Pd(111). R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 330, 1, (1995)
Ensuring the Constancy of the Chemical Potential within the Local Density Approximation for Exchange and Correlation: Implications for Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, V.L. Schneerson, W.T. Tysoe and D.K. Saldin, Phys. Rev. B. 51, 13015 (1995)
The Surface Chemistry of Chloroform as an Extreme Pressure Lubricant Additive at High Concentrations. W.T. Tysoe, K. Surerus, J. Lara, T.J. Blunt and P.V. Kotvis., Tribol. Letts., 1, 39 (1995)
Evidence for Olefin Metathesis Catalyzed by Metallic Molybdenum Proceeding via an Associative Mechanism at High Temperature, B. Bartlett, V.L. Schneerson and W.T. Tysoe, Catal. Letts., 32, 1 (1995)
Infrared Spectroscopy of Trimethyl Aluminum and Dimethyl Aluminum Chloride Adsorbed on Alumina, C. Soto, R. Wu, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe, Chemistry of Materials, 6, 1705 (1994)
Surface Chemistry and Extreme Pressure Lubricant Properties of Chloroform on Iron. L. Huezo, P.V. Kotvis, C. Crumer, C. Soto and W.T. Tysoe, Applied Surface Science, 78, 113 (1994)
The Thermal Decomposition of Ethylene Oxide on Pd(111): Comparison of the Reaction Pathways for the Selective Oxidation of Ethylene and Olefin Metathesis. R.M. Lambert, R.M. Ormerod and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 10, 730 (1994)
Room Temperature Chemistry of Acetylene on Pd(111): Formation of Vinylidene. R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, L.P. Wang, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 2134 (1994)
Desorption of Benzene from Pd(111): A Simulation Study. A. Ramirez-Cuesta, D. Valladares, A. Velasco, G. Zgrablich, W.T. Tysoe, R.M. Ormerod and R.M. Lambert, J. Phys. C: Condensed Matter, 5, A137 (1993)
Surface Reconstruction Effects on H and D Adsorption and Desorption Kinetics; A Monte Carlo Simulation. V. Bustos, W.T. Tysoe and G. Zgrablich, J. Phys. C: Condensed Matter, 5, A239 (1993)
NEXAFS Identification of a Catalytic Reaction Intermediate: C4H4 on Pd(111). R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, J.M. Yao, D.K. Saldin, L.P. Wang, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 295, 277 (1993)
The Kinetics of Propylene Metathesis Catalyzed by a Mo(100) Single Crystal. L. Wang, C.Soto and W.T. Tysoe, Journal of Catalysis, 143, 92 (1993)
Overlayer Structure and Kinetic Behavior of Benzene on Palladium. W.T. Tysoe, R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, G. Zgrablich and A. Ramirez-Cuesta, J. Phys. Chem., 97, 3365 (1993)
The Surface Chemistry of Methylene Chloride on Iron: A Model for Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubricant Additives. P.V. Kotvis, L.A. Huezo and W.T. Tysoe. Langmuir, 9, 467 (1993)

A Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study of the Structure of Acetylene on Pd(111) at Low Temperature. H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, J.M. Yao, L.P. Wang, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 268, 1 (1992)
Surface Decomposition and Extreme Pressure Tribological Properties of Highly Chlorinated Methanes and Ethanes on Ferrous Surfaces. P.V. Kotvis, L. Huezo, W.S. Millman and W.T. Tysoe. Applications of Surface Science and Advances in Tribology: Experimental Approaches, ACS Symposium Series No. 485, 1992
An Investigation of Film Removal in Extreme Pressure Lubrication Using Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Additives. P.V. Kotvis, M.N. James and W.T. Tysoe. Wear, 153, 305 (1992)
A Reflection-Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the Adsorption of Atomic Oxygen on Silver. X.-D. Wang, W.T. Tysoe, R.G. Greenler and L. Truszckowska, Surface Science, 257, 335 (1991)
The Surface Decomposition and Extreme Pressure Tribological Properties of Highly Chlorinated Methanes and Ethanes on Ferrous Surfaces. P.V. Kotvis, W.S. Millman, L. Huezo and W.T. Tysoe. Wear, 147, 401 (1991)
The Reaction Pathway for the Growth of Alumina on High Surface Area Alumina and in Ultra-High Vacuum by a Reaction between Trimethyl Aluminum and Water. C. Soto and W.T. Tysoe. J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A9, 2686 (1991)
The Use of 2s-derived Photoemission Peaks in Identifying Hydrocarbons Adsorbed on Transition Metal Surfaces. Luping Wang, Richard Hinkelman and W.T. Tysoe. J. Electron Spec. and Rel. Phenom., 56, 341 (1991).
The Adsorption, Reaction and Decomposition of Propylene on a Clean Mo(100) Surface. Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 245, 41 (1991)
An Investigation of Ethylene Hydrogenation Catalyzed by Molybdenum Using an Isolatable High Pressure Reactor: Identification of the Reaction Site and the Role of Carbonaceous Deposits. Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe. J. Catalysis, 128, 320 (1991)
The Structural Properties and Thermal Decomposition Pathways for Ethylene Adsorbed on Clean Mo(100). Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 236, 325 (1990)
The Structural and Kinetic Properties of Nitric Oxide Adsorbed on Clean Mo(100) Using Auger and Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy. J.P. Fulmer and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 233, 35 (1990)
An Angle-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy and NEXAFS Study of the Bonding and Orientation of NO on a Mo(100) Surface. J.P. Fulmer, F. Zaera and W.T. Tysoe. Langmuir, 6, 1229 (1990)
The Structural, Reactive and Kinetic Properties of Acetylene on Clean Mo(100). Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 230, 74 (1990)
A Determination of the Bonding and Orientation of Ethylene on Pd(111) by NEXAFS and Photoelectron Spectroscopy. L.P. Wang, W.T. Tysoe, H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, R.M. Ormerod and R.M. Lambert, Surface Science, 94, 4236 (1990)
Discovery of a Tilted Form of Benzene Chemisorbed on Pd(111): A NEXAFS and Photoemission Investigation. H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, L.P. Wang and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 232, 259 (1990)
Adsorption of Butadiene on Mo(100) below Room Temperature. G. Bredael, F. Zaera and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 5, 899 (1989)

The Hydrogenation of CO over Molybdenum/Alumina in the Presence of Ethylene; Coupling of Olefin Metathesis and CO Hydrogenation. L.P. Wang, W.S. Millman and W.T. Tysoe, Catalysis Letts., 1, 159 (1988)
The Orientation and Bonding of Thiophene on Clean Mo(100) using Angle-Resolved Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy. J.P. Fulmer, F. Zaera and W.T. Tysoe. J. Phys. Chem., 92, 4147 (1988)
The Reactive and Kinetic Properties of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide on a Graphite Surface. B. Marchon, W.T. Tysoe, J. Carrazza, H.Heinemann and G. A. Somorjai, J. Phys. Chem., 92, 5744 (1988)
An XPS Study of the Oxidation and Reduction of the Rhenium-Platinum System under Atmospheric Conditions. W.T. Tysoe, F. Zaera and G.A. Somorjai. Surface Science, 200, 1 (1988)
Structure and Reactivity at the Halogen/Metal Interface: Chemisorption, Corrosion and Reaction Pathways in the Pd(111)-Cl2 System. W.T. Tysoe and R.M. Lambert. Surface Science, 199, 1 (1988)
A UPS and XPS Investigation of the Adsorption of Sulfur on Mo(100): Adsorpion Site and Lateral Interactions. A.J. Gellman, W.T. Tysoe, F. Zaera and G.A. Somorjai. Surface Science, 191, 271 (1987)
Potassium Coadsorption Induced Dissociation of CO on the Rh(111) Crystal Surface: An Isotope Mixing Study. J. Crowell, W.T. Tysoe and G.A. Somorjai. J. Phys. Chem., 89, 1598 (1985)
Structural, Kinetic and Reactive Properties of the Pd(111)-Ethylene System. W.T. Tysoe, G.L. Nyberg and R.M. Lambert. J. Phys. Chem., 88, 1960 (1984)
Distribution of Reaction Products in the KOH Initiated Low Temperature Steam Gasification of Graphite. W.T. Tysoe, F. Delannay, H. Heinemann and G.A. Somorjai. Applied Catalysis, 10, 111 (1984)
The Role of KOH in the Low Temperature Gasification of Graphite: Identification of the Reaction Steps. F. Delannay, W.T. Tysoe, H. Heinemann and G.A. Somorjai. Carbon, 22, 401 (1984)
Low Temperature Methane Production by the Catalyzed Reaction of Graphite and Water Vapor. F. Delannay, W.T. Tysoe, G. Yee, R. Casanova, H. Heinemann and G.A. Somorjai. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Fundamentals of Gas-Carbon Reactions, Seattle, Washington (1983)
Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Heterogeneous Catalysis: Benzene and Ethylene from Acetylene on Pd(111). W.T. Tysoe, G.L. Nyberg and R.M. Lambert. Surface Science, 135, 128 (1983)
Low Temperature Catalytic Chemistry of the Pd(11 I ) Surface: Benzene and Ethylene from Acetylene. W.T. Tysoe, G.L. Nyberg and R.M. Lambert. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 623 (1983)
Surface Chemistry of the Metal-Halogen Interface: Bromine Chemisorption and Dihalide Formation on Pd(111). W.T. Tysoe and R.M. Lambert. Surface Science, 115, 37 (1982)
There is a PDF available with many of the publications, click on the

Coming Soon2012
Surface Chemistry of Isopropoxy Tetramethyl Dioxaborolane on Cu(111), Miller, B. P.; Furlong, O. J.; Tysoe, W. T., Langmuir, 28, 6322-6327 (2012)
The adsorption and reaction of vinyl acetate on Au/Pd(100) alloy surfaces, Li, Z.; Calaza, F.; Tysoe, W. T., Surf. Sci., 606, 1113-1119 (2012)

On the film thickness dependence of shear strengths in sliding, boundary-layer friction, Garvey, M.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., Wear, 274-275, 281-285 (2012)

Structure of the Au/Pd(100) Alloy Surface, Garvey, M.; Boscoboinik, J. A.; Burkholder, L.; Walker, J.; Plaisance, C.; Neurock, M.; Tysoe, W. T., J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 4692-4697 (2012)

An infrared spectroscopic and temperature-programmed desorption study of 1,1-difluoroethylene on clean and hydrogen-covered Pd(111), Mahapatra, M.; Burkholder, L.; Calaza, F.; Stacchiola, D.; Tysoe, W. T., Adsorpt. Sci. Technol., 29, 595-602 (2011)
On the Pressure Dependence of Shear Strengths in Sliding, Boundary-Layer Friction, Garvey, M.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., Tribol. Lett., 44, 67-73 (2011)

Shear properties of potassium chloride films on iron obtained using density functional theory, Garvey, M.; Furlong, O. J.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 23, 265003 (2011)

Shear-Induced Surface-to-Bulk Transport at Room Temperature in a Sliding Metal-Metal Interface, Furlong, O. J.; Miller, B. P.; Tysoe, W. T., Tribol. Lett., 41, 257-261 (2011)

Low-Temperature, Shear-Induced Tribofilm Formation from Dimethyl Disulfide on Copper, Furlong, O. J.; Miller, B. P.; Kotvis, P.; Tysoe, W. T., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 3, 795-800 (2011)

Shear-induced boundary film formation from dialkyl sulfides on copper, Furlong, O.; Miller, B.; Tysoe, W. T., Wear, 274-275, 183-187 (2011)

The surface chemistry of diethyl disulfide on copper, Furlong, O.; Miller, B.; Li, Z.; Tysoe, W. T., Surf. Sci., 605, 606-611 (2011)

Stabilization of carboxylate surface species on Pd(111), Calaza, F.; Tysoe, W. T.; Stacchiola, D. J., Adsorpt. Sci. Technol., 29, 603-611 (2011)

Reaction between ethylene and acetate species on clean and oxygen-covered Pd(100): implications for the vinyl acetate monomer formation pathway, Calaza, F.; Li, Z.; Tysoe, W. T., Catal. Lett., 141, 266-270 (2011)

Structure of Methyl Pyruvate and α-(1-Naphthyl)ethylamine on Pd(111), Burkholder, L.; Garvey, M.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 8790-8797 (2011)

Efficient Transport of Gold Atoms with a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Tip and a Linker Molecule, Boscoboinik, J. A.; Kohlmeyer, R. R.; Chen, J.; Tysoe, W. T., Langmuir, 27, 9337-9344 (2011)

Structure and Distribution of S-α-(1-Naphthyl)-ethylamine on Pd(111), Boscoboinik, J. A.; Bai, Y.; Burkholder, L.; Tysoe, W. T., J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 16488-16494 (2011)

Creation of low-coordination gold sites on Au(111) surface by 1,4-phenylene diisocyanide adsorption, Boscoboinik, J.; Kestell, J.; Garvey, M.; Weinert, M.; Tysoe, W. T., Top. Catal., 54, 20-25 (2011)

Coming Soon2009
Coming Soon2008
Surface chemistry of acetic acid on clean and oxygen-covered Pd(100), Li, Z.; Gao, F.; Tysoe, W. T., Surface Science, 602, 416-423 (2008)
Surface segregation of gold for Au/Pd(111) alloys measured by low-energy electron diffraction and low-energy ion scattering, Li, Z.; Furlong, O.; Calaza, F.; Burkholder, L.; Poon, H. C.; Saldin, D.; Tysoe, W. T., Surface Science, 602, 1084-1091 (2008)

Probing reaction pathways on model catalyst surfaces: Vinyl acetate synthesis and olefin metathesis, Gao, F.; Wang, Y.; Calaza, F.; Stacchiola, D.; Tysoe, W. T., Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 281, 14-23 (2008)

The structure and reactivity of 2-butanol on Pd(111), Gao, F.; Wang, Y.; Burkholder, L.; Hirschmugl, C.; Saldin, D. K.; Poon, H. C.; Sholl, D.; James, J.; Tysoe, W. T., Surface Science, 602, 2264-2270 (2008)

The adsorption and reaction of vinyl acetate on Au/Pd(111) alloy surfaces, Calaza, F.; Li, Z.; Gao, F.; Boscoboinik, J.; Tysoe, W. T., Surface Science, 602, 3523-3530 (2008)

Introduction to Surface Science. J.J. Fripiat, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe. Textbook, Oxford University Press, in preparationPressure Dependence of Shear Strengths of Thin Films Measured in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Feng Gao, Peter V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, in preparation
Low-energy Electron Diffraction Structure Determination of Disordered Overlayers: Ethylidyne and Vinylidene on Pd(111), T. Zhang, H.C. Poon, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, in preparation
Calculations of the Shear Properties of Potassium Chloride using Density Functional Theory, O. Furlong, M. Wienert and W. T. Tysoe, in preparation
Study of Thermal Programmed Desorption of Chiral Propylene-Oxide from Pd(111) Surfaces, V. Bustos, W.T. Tysoe, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and G. Zgrablich, in preparation
Enantioselective Chemisorption and Reactions on Model Chirally Modified Surfaces: 2-Butanol on L-Proline Templated Pd(111) Surfaces, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang and W.T. Tysoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., submitted
Enantioselective Reactions on a Au/Pd(111) Surface Alloy with Co-adsorbed Chiral 2-Butanol and Propylene Oxide, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Zhenjun Li, Octavio Furlong and W.T. Tysoe, J. Chem. C., submitted.
Coverage Effects in Density Functional Theory Calculations for Palladium-catalyzed Synthesis of Vinyl Acetate: Comparison Between Theory and Experiment, Dario Stacchiola, Florencia Calaza, Matthew Neurock and Wilfred T. Tysoe, in preparation
Surface Segregation of Gold on Au/Pd(111) Alloys Measured by Low-energy Electron Diffraction and Low-energy Ion Scattering, Zhenjun Li, Octavio Furlong, Florencia Calaza, Luke Burkholder, Hin Cheuk Poon, Dilano Saldin and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., submitted
Monte Carlo and Density Functional Theory Analysis of the Distribution of Gold and Palladium Atoms on Au/Pd(111) Alloys, Jorge A. Boscoboinik, Craig Plaisance, Matthew Neurock and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Physical Review B, submitted
Surface Chemistry of Acetic Acid on Clean and Oxygen Covered Pd(100), Zhenjun Li, Feng Gao and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., in press
Enantioselective Chemisorption of Propylene Oxide on a 2-Butanol-Modified Pd(111) Surface: The Role of Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and Wilfred. T. Tysoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., in press
Chemistry of L-Proline on Pd(111): Temperature-programmed Desorption and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 3579 (2007)

Review of "Surface and Nanomolecular Catalysis", W.T. Tysoe, Nanotoday, 2, 53 (2007)
Probing Reaction Pathways on Model Catalyst Surfaces: Vinyl Acetate Synthesis and Olefin Metathesis, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Florencia Calaza, Dario Stacchiola and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Journal of Molecular Catalysis: A Chemical, in press
Chemistry of Alanine on Pd(111): Temperature-programmed Desorption and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study, Feng Gao, Zhenjun Li, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 3276 (2007)

Chemistry of Glycine on Pd(111): Temperature-programmed Desorption and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study, Feng Gao, Zhenjun Li, Yilin Wang, Luke Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem. C., 111, 9981 (2007)

Formation and Characterization of Au/Pd Surface Alloys on Pd (111), Zhenjun Li, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang, Florencia Calaza, Luke Burkholder and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 1898 (2007)

The Adsorption of Acetic Acid on Au/Pd(111) Alloy Surfaces, Z. Li, F. Calaza, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 1351 (2007)

The Adsorption of Ethylene on Au/Pd(111) Alloy Surfaces, F. Calaza, F. Gao, Z. Li and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 601, 714 (2007)

Understanding the Tribological Chemistry of Chlorine- , Sulfur- and Phosphorus-containing Additives, O. Furlong, F. Gao, P. Kotvis and W. T. Tysoe, Trib. Int., 40, 699 (2007)

Probing Elementary Steps Under Reaction Conditions Using Infrared Spectroscopy, D. Stacchiola, F. Calaza, L. Burkholder, A. W. Schwabacher, M. Neurock and W. T. Tysoe, Ciencia, 14, 189 (2006)The Surface Chemistry of Propylene, 1-iodopropane and 1,3-diiodopropane on MoAl Alloy Thin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem. B., 110, 12555 (2006)

The Formation and Decomposition of C3 Metallacycles From Ethylene and Methylene on MoAl Alloy Thin Films, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang and Wilfred. T. Tysoe, J. Am Chem. Soc., 128, 7091 (2006)

The Chemistry of Ethylene on MoAl Alloy Thin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina: Hydrogenation, Dehydrogenation and H-D Exchange Reactions, F. Gao, Y. Wang, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 600, 1837 (2006)

Ethylene Hydrogenation on Mo(CO)6 Derived Model Catalysts in Ultrahigh Vacuum: From Oxycarbide to Carbide to MoAl Alloy, Feng Gao, Yilin Wang and W.T. Tysoe, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 249, 111 (2006)

Interaction of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl with Hydroxylated Alumina Thin Films at High Temperatures: Formation and Removal of Surface Carbides, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal A: Chemical, 248, 32 (2006)

Surface Chemistry of Tribochemical Reactions Explored in Ultrahigh Vacuum Conditions, J. Lara-Romero, R. Maya-Yescas, J.L. Rico-Cerda, J.L. Rivera-Rojas, F.C. Castillo, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Thin Solid Films, 496, 463 (2006)
Surface chemistry of tribochemical reactions: Molecular beam experiments, J. Lara-Romero, R. Maya-Yescas, J.L. Rico-Cerda and W.T. Tysoe, Chem Pap - Chemicke Zvesti, 59, 481 (2005)Structure and Decomposition Pathways of Vinyl Acetate on Pd(111), Florencia Calaza Dario Stacchiola M. Neurock and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 598, 263 (2005)

Interaction of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl with Metallic Aluminum at High Temperatures: Carbide and Alloy Formation, F. Gao, Y. Wang and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal A: Chemical, 236, 18 (2005)

The Chemistry of CH2I2 on MoAl Alloy Thin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina: Insight into Methylene Insertion Reactions, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem. B., 109, 15497 (2005)

The Chemistry of Iodomethane on MoAl Alloy Thin Films Formed on Dehydroxylated Alumina: Formation and Reaction of Surface Methyl Species, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 590, 181 (2005)

Understanding the Tribological Chemistry of Chlorine- and Sulfur- and Phosphorus-containing Additives, Wilfred T. Tysoe, Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress, 2005
On the Reaction Mechanism for the Formation of Vinyl Acetate by the Reaction of Ethylene with Acetate Species on Palladium(111), D. Stacchiola, F. Calaza, L. Burkholder, A. W. Schwabacher, M. Neurock and W. T. Tysoe, Angew. Chem., 44, 4572 (2005)

Frontiers of Fundamental Tribological Research, Scott S. Perry and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Tribol. Letts., 19, 151 (2005)

Interaction of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl with Dehydroxylated Alumina Thin Films at High Temperatures: Formation and Removal of Surface Carbides, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal A: Chemical, 235, 173 (2005)

Tribological Properties of Films Formed by the Reaction of Carbon Tetrachloride with Iron, Feng Gao, Octavio Furlong, Peter V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribol. Letts., 20, 171 (2005)

Interaction of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl with Metallic Aluminum at High Temperatures: Carbide and Alloy Formation, Y. Wang, F. Gao and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical, 236, 18 (2005)
The Kinetics of Ethylene Hydrogenation Catalyzed by Metallic Palladium, H. Molero, D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Catal. Letts., 101, 145 (2005)
Structure and Binding Site of Acetate on Pd(111) Determined Using Density Functional Theory and Low Energy Electron Diffraction, Joanna James, Dilano K. Saldin, T. Zheng, W. T. Tysoe and David S. Sholl, Catalysis Today, 105, 74 (2005)
The Tribological Properties of Low-Friction Hydrogenated Diamond-like Carbon Measured in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Feng Gao, Ali Erdemir and Wilfred. T. Tysoe, Tribol. Letts., 20, 221 (2005)

Reaction of Tributyl Phosphate with Oxidized Iron: Surface Chemistry and Tribological Significance, Feng Gao, Peter V. Kotvis, Dario Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Tribol. Letts., 18, 375 (2005)

W.T. Tysoe and J. Rodriguez, Preface, J. Mol. Catal. A, Chemical, 228, 1 (2005)
Hydrocarbon Conversion on Palladium Catalysts, D. Stacchiola, F. Calaza, T. Zheng and Wilfred T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal. A, Chemical, 228, 35 (2005)
The Structure of Formate Species on Pd(111) Calculated by Density Functional Theory and Determined Using Low Energy Electron Diffraction, T. Zheng, D. Stacchiola, D.K. Saldin, J. James, D.S. Sholl and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 574, 166 (2005)

Requirements for the Formation of a Chiral Template, D. Stacchiola, L. Burkholder, T. Zheng, M. Weinert and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem. B.,109, 851 (2005)

Vinyl Acetate Formation By the Reaction of Ethylene with Acetate Species on Oxygen-Covered Pd(111), Dario Stacchiola, Florencia Calaza, Luke Burkholder and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, 15384 (2004)

X-ray Absorption Near-edge Structure Analysis of the Chemical Environment of Zinc in the Tribological Films Formed by Zinc Dialkyl Dithiophosphate Decomposition on Steel, M.D Pauli, T.S. Rufael, J.K. Mowlem, M. Weinert, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology International, 38, 195 (2005)
Reaction of Tributyl Phosphite with Oxidized Iron: Surface and Tribological Chemistry, Feng Gao, Octavio Furlong, Peter V. Kotvis and Wilfred. T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 20, 7557 (2004)
Determination of the Structure of Disordered Overlayers of Ethylene on Clean and Hydrogen-covered Pd(111) by Low Energy Electron Diffraction, T. Zheng, D. Stacchiola, H.C. Poon, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 564, 71 (2004)

Lattice-gas Modeling of Enantioselective Adsorption by Template Chiral Substrates, F. Romá, D. Stacchiola, W.T. Tysoe and G. Zgrablich, Physica A., 338, 493 (2004)
The Friction, Mobility and Transfer of Tribological Films: Potassium Chloride and Ferrous Chloride on Iron, Feng Gao, Peter V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Wear, 256, 1005 (2004)

Probing Enantioselective Chemisorption in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Darío Stacchiola, Luke Burkholder and Wilfred T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal A: Chemical, 216, 215 (2004)
Surface Chemistry of Extreme-Pressure Lubricant Additives, in Surface Modifications and Processing: Physical and Chemical Tribological Methodologies, Edited by H. Liang and G.E. Totten. W.T. Tysoe and P.V. Kotvis, 299-352 (2004)
The Frictional Behavior of Thin Halide Films on Iron, Feng Gao, Peter V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribol. Trans., 47, 208 (2004)

Structure Determination of Disordered Organic Molecules on Surfaces from the Bragg Spots of Low Energy Electron Diffraction and Total Energy Calculations, H. C. Poon, M. Weinert, D. K. Saldin, D. Stacchiola, T. Zheng and W. T. Tysoe, Phys. Rev. B., 69, 035401 (2004)

Kinetic and Reactive Properties of Ethylene on Clean and Hydrogen-covered Pd(111), L. Burkholder, D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Review and Letters, 10, 909 (2003)
A Comparative Investigation of Aryl Isocyanides Chemisorbed to Palladium and Gold: An ATR-IR Spectroscopic Study, K.L. Murphy, W.T. Tysoe and D.W. Bennett., Langmuir, 20, 1732 (2004)

The Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on the Chemistry of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Thin Alumina Films in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Y. Wang, F. Gao, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical, 209, 135 (2004)

An Investigation of the Chemistry of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Thin Dehydroxylated Alumina Films in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Y. Wang, F, Gao, M. Kaltchev, D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Catalysis Letters, 91, 83 (2003)

The Catalytic Chemistry Of Small Hydrocarbons On Palladium: Cyclization, and Hydrogenation, D. Stacchiola, O. Furlong and W. T. Tysoe, Proceedings of the 2° Congreso de Catálisis, Córdoba, Argentina, 2003, Page 102
Surface and Tribological Chemistry of Chlorine- and Sulfur-Containing Lubricant Additives, F. Gao, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe,Tribology International, 37, 87 (2004)

Structural Determination of Ordered and Disordered Organic Molecules on a Surface from the Substrate Diffraction Spots in Low Energy Electron Diffraction: (√3× √3)R30°-C2H2 and disordered CH3OH on Pd(111), T. Zheng, W.T. Tysoe, H.C. Poon and D.K. Saldin, Surface Science, 543, 19 (2003)
Structure and Reactivity of Propylene on Clean and Hydrogen-covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 542, 129 (2003)

The Effect of Subsurface Hydrogen on the Adsorption of Ethylene on Pd(111), D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 540, L600 (2003)

The Frictional Properties of Thin Inorganic Halide Films on Iron Measured in Ultrahigh Vacuum, F. Gao, P.V. Kotvis, and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Letters, 15, 327 (2003)

Theoretical Analysis of the Coverage Dependence of Enantioselective Chemisorption on a Chirally Patterned Surface, F. Roma, D. Stacchiola, G. Zgrablich and W. T. Tysoe, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118, 6030 (2003)

An Infrared Spectroscopic and Temperature-programmed Desorption Study of Methyl Iodide Hydrogenation on Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, Y. Wang and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 524, 173 (2003)

The Surface and Tribological Chemistry of Chlorine- and Sulfur-containing Lubricant Additives, Feng Gao, Peter Kotvis and Wilfred T. Tysoe, AUSTRIB 2002 Proceedings, 1, 339 (2003)
Substituted Hydrocarbons, Chapter in Landolt and Börnstein "Physics of Covered Solid Surfaces", H. Bonzel, Editor, W.T. Tysoe and D. Mullins, (2003)
The Tribological Properties of Monolayer KCl Films on Iron in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Modeling the Extreme-Pressure Lubricating Interface, F. Gao, M. Kaltchev, P.V. Kotvis, and W.T. Tysoe, Trib. Letts., 14, 99 (2003)

Photoelastic Modulation-Reflection Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy (PEM-RAIRS) of CO on Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, A.W. Thompson, M. Kaltchev and W. T. Tysoe, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, A20, 2101 (2002)
Enantioselective Chemisorption on a Chirally Patterned Surface in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Adsorption of Propylene Oxide on 2-butoxy-Covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 8984 (2002)

The Adsorption of Ethylene on Ethylidyne-covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 513, L431 (2002)

Ethylene Adsorption on Pd(111) Studied Using Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy, D. Stacchiola, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 511, 215 (2002)

An Investigation of the Tribological Properties of Thin KCl Films on Iron in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Modeling the Extreme-Pressure Lubricating Interface, G. Wu, F. Gao, M. Kaltchev, J. Gutow, J. Mowlem, W.C. Schramm, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Wear, 252, 595 (2002)

An Investigation of the Surface Chemistry of Crown Ethers: The Adsorption and Reaction of 12-crown-4 on Palladium (111), S. Azad, B.Laack and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 496, 87 (2002)

Surface Physical Characterization, W.T. Tysoe and G. Wu, in Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, Eds J. Moore and N. D. Spencer, Institute of Physics, 2002
An Investigation of the Reaction Pathway for Ethylene Hydrogenation on Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, S. Azad, L. Burkholder and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem., 105, 11233 (2001)
Molecular Beam and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of the Thermodynamics of CO on Clean and Vinylidene-covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, G. Wu, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Chem. Phys., 115, 3315 (2001)

An Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Methyl Iodide and Methylene Iodide on Ag(111), G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Collins and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Rev. and Letts., 8, 303 (2001)
A Reflection-Absorption Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Adsorption of Ethylene and Ethylene Oxide on Oxygen-Covered Ag(111), D. Stacchiola, G. Wu, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 486, 9 (2001)

Palladium-Catalyzed Cyclotrimerization and Hydrogenation: From Ultrahigh Vacuum to High-Pressure Catalysis, D. Stacchiola, H. Molero and W.T. Tysoe, Catalysis Today, 65, 3 (2001)
On the Effect of Hydrogen on the Palladium-Catalyzed Formation of Benzene from Acetylene, D. Stacchiola, G. Wu, H. Molero and W. T. Tysoe, Catal, Letts., 71, 1 (2001)
Spectroscopic Studies of Ethylene Adsorption on Oxygen-modified Ag(111) at High Pressures, G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal. A, 167, 13 (2001)
Proceedings of the Second San Luis Conference on Surface Science and Catalysis, Francisco Zaera, Celso M. Aldao, Richard M. Lambert, Wilfred T. Tysoe, Giorgio Zgrablich, J. Mol. Catal. A, 167, 1 (2001)
A Molecular Beam Study of the Tribological Chemistry of Dialkyl Disulfides, M. Kaltchev, P.V. Kotvis, J. Lara, T.J. Blunt and W.T. Tysoe, Trib. Letts., 10, 45 (2001)

A System Based on Metal Alkyl Species that Forms Chemically Bound Organic Overlayers on Hydroxylated Planar Surfaces, B.W. Koeck, R.J. Kleisner, M.J. Phillips, J.A. Wieland, J.H. Gutow, V. Boiadjiev and W.T. Tysoe, Thin Solid Films, 381, 10 (2001)
The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated and Sulfurized Extreme-Pressure Lubricant Additives, J. Lara, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribol. Ser., 38, 569 (2000)The Adsorption and Structure of CO on Ethylidyne-covered Pd(111), D. Stacchiola, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 470, L32 (2000)

A Molecular Beam Study of the Tribological Chemistry of Carbon Tetrachloride on Oxygen-Covered Iron, M. Kaltchev, G. Celichowski, J. Lara and W.T. Tysoe, Trib. Letts., 9, 161 (2000)

The Decomposition of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Thin Alumina Films at High Temperatures: Formation and Reduction of Carbides, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 196, 40 (2000)
Palladium-Catalyzed Acetylene Cyclotrimerization: From Ultrahigh Vacuum To High-Pressure Catalysis, D. Stacchiola, H. Molero and W. T. Tysoe, Proceedings of CLASCA 9, 3 (2000)
Adsorption, Decomposition and Isomerization of Methylisocyanide and Acetonitrile on Pd(111), K. Murphy, S. Azad, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 467, 1 (2000)

An Investigation of the Surface Chemistry of Crown Ethers: The Adsorption and Reaction of 1,4-dioxane on Palladium (111), S. Azad and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 464, 183 (2000)

Infrared and NMR Spectroscopic Studies of n-Alkanethiols Chemically Grafted on Dimethylzinc-Modified Silica Surfaces, V. Boiadjiev, A. Blumenfeld, J. Gutow and W.T. Tysoe, Chem. Mater., 12, 2604 (2000)

A Study of the Stereoselectivity in the Dimerization of Ethylidene to Form 2-Butene on Ag(111), G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Katlchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, 8232 (2000)

The Adsorption and Reaction of 2-iodoethanol on Ag(111), G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Sci., 463, 81 (2000)

Preparation and Characterization of Alumina-Supported Metal-Carbonyl-Derived Model Catalytic Systems in UHV Conditions, M. Kaltchev and W. T Tysoe, Topics in Catalysis, 13, 121 (2000)
The Surface Chemistry and Decarbonylation of Molybdenum Hexacarbonyl on Thin Alumina Films, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 193, 29 (2000)
The Adsorption and Reaction of Acetaldehyde on Clean Ag(111), G. Wu, D. Stacchiola, M. Collins and W.T. Tysoe, Surf. Rev. and Letts., 7, 271 (2000)
The Surface and Tribological Chemistry of Carbon Disulfide as an Extreme-Pressure Additive, J. Lara, K. Surerus, P.V. Kotvis, M. E. Contreras, J.L. Rico and W.T. Tysoe, Wear, 239, 77 (2000)
On the Reaction Pathway for the Hydrogenation of Acetylene and Vinylidene on Pd(111), W.T. Tysoe, G.L. Nyberg and R.M. Lambert. J. Phys. Chem., 90, 3188 (1986)
An Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Thin Alumina Films: Measurement of Acid Sites and Surface Reactivity, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 430, 29 (1999)

On the Reaction Pathway for the Formation of Benzene from Acetylene Catalyzed by Palladium, M. Kaltchev, H. Molero, D. Stacchiola, G. Wu, A. Blumenfeld and W.T. Tysoe, Catal. Letts., 60, 11 (1999)
The Surface and Tribological Chemistry of Carbon Tetrachloride on Iron, J. Lara and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Letters, 6, 195 (1999)

Palladium-catalyzed Acetylene Cyclotromerization: From Ultrahigh Vacuum to High-pressure Catalysis, W.T. Tysoe, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 38, 313 (1999)
The Kinetics and Infrared Spectroscopy of C1 Hydrocarbons Adsorbed on Clean and Oxygen-modified Mo(100), G. Wu, M. Kaltchev and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Review and Letters, 6, 13 (1999)
The Hydrogenation of Acetylene Catalyzed by Palladium: Hydrogen Pressure Dependence, H. Molero, B.F. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 181, 49 (1999)
Infrared Spectroscopy of CO Adsorbed on Hydrocarbon-covered Mo(100), M. Kaltchev and W. T. Tysoe, Catal. Letts., 53, 145 (1998)The Surface and Catalytic Chemistry of Olefin Metathesis Catalyzed by Metallic and Oxygen-Modified Molybdenum. Gefei Wu, Brian Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Mol. Catal., A 131, 91 (1998)
An Infrared Study Of The Surface Species Formed By Sequential Chemical Vapor Deposition Of Dimethyl Zinc And Ethanethiol On Hydroxylated Alumina Surfaces, Vassil Boiadjiev and W.T. Tysoe, Chemistry of Materials, 10, 1141 (1998)

Reaction Pathway and Stereoselectivity of Olefin Metathesis at High Temperature, B. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 176, 439 (1998)
The Surface Chemistry and Extreme-Pressure Lubricant Properties of Dimethyl Disulfide, Javier Lara, Thomas Blunt, Peter Kotvis, Alan Riga and Wilfred T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem., B102, 1703 (1998)

The Surface Chemistry of 2-Butene Adsorbed on Mo(100), Oxygen-Covered Mo(100) and MoO2, Gefei Wu, H. Molero and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 397, 179 (1998)

The Chemistry of Methyl Iodide on Mo(100): Formation and Reaction of Adsorbed Methyl Species, G. Wu and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 397, 179 (1998)

Surface and Catalytic Chemistry of Small Hydrocarbons on Oxidized Molybdenum, Gefei Wu, Brian Bartlett and Wilfred T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 14, 1435 (1998)

The Surface Chemistry of Chlorine- and Sulfur-containing Extreme-Pressure Lubricant Additives, J. Lara, P. V. Kotvis and W. T. Tysoe, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Tribochemistry, Poland, 79 (1998)
The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubricant Additives, Part II. Modelling the Tribological Interface. T.J. Blunt, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Transactions, 41, 129 (1998)

The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubricant Additives, Part I. Extreme Pressure Tribology. T.J. Blunt, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Transactions, 41, 117 (1998)

The Effect of Hydrogen on the Carbonaceous Layer Formed on Molybdenum Model Catalysts During High-Temperature Propylene Metathesis, G.Wu, B. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Catal., 173, 172 (1998)
Infrared Study of the Surface Species Formed By Sequential Chemical Vapor Deposition Of Trimethyl Aluminum And Methanol On a Hydroxylated Alumina Surface, V. Boiadjiev and W.T. Tysoe, Chem. Mater., 10, 334 (1998)

The Interaction of Effusive Beams of Methylene Chloride and Chloroform with Clean Iron: Tribochemical Reactions Explored in Ultrahigh Vacuum, Javier Lara and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 14, 307 (1998)

Reflection-Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy of Ethylene on Palladium(111) at High Pressure. M. Kaltchev, A.W. Thompson and W. T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 391, 145 (1997)
The Surface Chemistry of Propylene Adsorbed on Mo(100), Oxygen-Covered Mo(100) and MoO2, Gefei Wu and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 391, 134 (1997)

The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Extreme Pressure Lubricant Additives. J. Lara, P. V. Kotvis and W. T. Tysoe, Tribology Letters, 3, 303 (1997)

The Surface Chemistry of Ethylene Adsorbed on Mo(100), Oxygen-Covered Mo(100) and MoO2. Gefei Wu, Brian Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 383, 57 (1997)

The Nature of the Carbonaceous Layer Formed on a MoO3 Model Catalyst During Propylene Metathesis. B.F. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe, Catalysis Letters, 46, 101 (1997)
The Surface Chemistry of Methylene Iodide Adsorbed on Clean and Oxygen-Covered Mo(100): Formation and Chemistry of Carbenes. Gefei Wu, B. Bartlett and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 373, 129 (1997)

The Metathesis of Propylene Catalyzed by Model Oxides Studied Using a High-pressure Reactor Incorporated into an Ultrahigh Vacuum Chamber. B.F. Bartlett, H. Molero and W.T. Tysoe. Journal of Catalysis, 167, 470 (1997)
Molybdenum Metal Catalyzed Reaction of Ethylene. B. F. Bartlett and W. T. Tysoe, Catalysis Letters, 44, 37 (1997)
On the Dependence with Bond Lengths of the Observed Energies of Sigma Resonances of Diatomic Molecules. V.L. Shneerson, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 375, 340 (1997)

The Adsorption Site and Orientation of CH3S on Ni(111). D. R. Mullins, D.R. Huntley, T. Tang, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 380, 468 (1997)

The Adsorption Site and Orientation of CH3S and Sulfur on Ni(001) Using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. D. R. Mullins , T. Tang, X. Chen,V. Shneerson, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 372, 193 (1997).

Acetylene to Benzene conversion on Pd(111). A simulation study, A.J.Ramírez Cuesta, G.Zgrablich and W.T.Tysoe in "Surfaces, Vacuum and their Applications", I.Hernández Calderón, R. Asomoza, Eds., AIP Press, New York (1996) 543.The Nature of the Lubricating Film Formed by Carbon Tetrachloride Under Conditions of Extreme Pressure. P.V. Kotvis, J. Lara, K. Surerus and W. T. Tysoe, Wear, 201, 10 (1996)
Determination of Interfacial Temperatures Under Extreme Pressure Conditions. T.J. Blunt, P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe, Tribology Letters, 2, 221 (1996)

Spectroscopic Study of AlN Film Formation by Sequential Reaction of Ammonia and Trimethylaluminum on Alumina. C. Soto, V. Boiadjiev and W.T. Tysoe, Chem. Mater., 8, 2359 (1996)

Structure and Growth Kinetics of Films Formed by the Thermal Decomposition of CCl4 on Iron Surfaces, J. Lara, H. Molero, A. Ramirez-Cuesta and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 12, 2488 (1996)

Statistics of Reactive Ensembles on Regular Surfaces: Application to Benzene from Acetylene on Pd(111), A. Ramirez-Cuesta, W.T. Tysoe, G. Zgrablich and J.L. Riccardo, Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 8, 1359 (1996)

Analytical Theory of NEXAFS of Diatomic Molecules, V.L. Shneerson, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Phys. Rev. B., 53, 10177 (1996)

The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubricant Additives, W.T. Tysoe, Proceedings of the Adriatico Research Conference on the Physics of Sliding Friction, Eds, B.N.J. Persson and E. Tosatti, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996) 265
Calculation of Resonances in Near-edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectra Using the Constant Chemical Potential Local Density Approximation Method, V. Shneerson, D.K. Saldin and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 345, 155 (1996)

Metal-Catalyzed Hydrocarbon Conversion Reactions, W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 12, 78 (1996)

Advances in the Measuring and Modeling of Surface Phenomena, G. Zgrablich, E. Albano and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 12, 1 (1996)

Simulation of Benzene Formation from Acetylene on Palladium and Oxygen-covered Palladium Surfaces. A.J. Ramirez-Cuesta, G. Zgrablich and W.T. Tysoe., Surface Sci., 340, 109 (1995)
Temperature Programmed Desorption of Co-adsorbed Hydrogen and Acetylene on Pd(111). R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 330, 1, (1995)

Ensuring the Constancy of the Chemical Potential within the Local Density Approximation for Exchange and Correlation: Implications for Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, V.L. Schneerson, W.T. Tysoe and D.K. Saldin, Phys. Rev. B. 51, 13015 (1995)

The Surface Chemistry of Chloroform as an Extreme Pressure Lubricant Additive at High Concentrations. W.T. Tysoe, K. Surerus, J. Lara, T.J. Blunt and P.V. Kotvis., Tribol. Letts., 1, 39 (1995)

Evidence for Olefin Metathesis Catalyzed by Metallic Molybdenum Proceeding via an Associative Mechanism at High Temperature, B. Bartlett, V.L. Schneerson and W.T. Tysoe, Catal. Letts., 32, 1 (1995)
Growth Kinetics and Structure of Film Formation by the Thermal Decomposition of Methylene Chloride on Iron. L.A. Huezo, C. Soto, C. Crumer and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 10, 3571 (1994)
Infrared Spectroscopy of Trimethyl Aluminum and Dimethyl Aluminum Chloride Adsorbed on Alumina, C. Soto, R. Wu, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe, Chemistry of Materials, 6, 1705 (1994)

Surface Chemistry and Extreme Pressure Lubricant Properties of Chloroform on Iron. L. Huezo, P.V. Kotvis, C. Crumer, C. Soto and W.T. Tysoe, Applied Surface Science, 78, 113 (1994)
The Thermal Decomposition of Ethylene Oxide on Pd(111): Comparison of the Reaction Pathways for the Selective Oxidation of Ethylene and Olefin Metathesis. R.M. Lambert, R.M. Ormerod and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 10, 730 (1994)

Room Temperature Chemistry of Acetylene on Pd(111): Formation of Vinylidene. R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, L.P. Wang, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 2134 (1994)

The Activity of Molybdenum and Molybdenum Oxide Model Catalysts for Olefin Metathesis. B. Bartlett, C. Soto, R. Wu and W.T. Tysoe,Catalysis Letters, 21, 1 (1993)Desorption of Benzene from Pd(111): A Simulation Study. A. Ramirez-Cuesta, D. Valladares, A. Velasco, G. Zgrablich, W.T. Tysoe, R.M. Ormerod and R.M. Lambert, J. Phys. C: Condensed Matter, 5, A137 (1993)

Surface Reconstruction Effects on H and D Adsorption and Desorption Kinetics; A Monte Carlo Simulation. V. Bustos, W.T. Tysoe and G. Zgrablich, J. Phys. C: Condensed Matter, 5, A239 (1993)

NEXAFS Identification of a Catalytic Reaction Intermediate: C4H4 on Pd(111). R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, J.M. Yao, D.K. Saldin, L.P. Wang, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 295, 277 (1993)
The Kinetics of Propylene Metathesis Catalyzed by a Mo(100) Single Crystal. L. Wang, C.Soto and W.T. Tysoe, Journal of Catalysis, 143, 92 (1993)
Overlayer Structure and Kinetic Behavior of Benzene on Palladium. W.T. Tysoe, R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, G. Zgrablich and A. Ramirez-Cuesta, J. Phys. Chem., 97, 3365 (1993)

The Surface Chemistry of Methylene Chloride on Iron: A Model for Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubricant Additives. P.V. Kotvis, L.A. Huezo and W.T. Tysoe. Langmuir, 9, 467 (1993)

Communication Between Metal Centers in W(0)-W(II) Complexes Bridged by 1,4 Diisocyanobenzene: Is the Ligand π System Involved? D.S. Grubisha, J.S. Rommel, T.M. Lane, W.T. Tysoe and D.W. Bennett. Inorganic Chemistry, 31, 5022 (1992)
A Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study of the Structure of Acetylene on Pd(111) at Low Temperature. H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, J.M. Yao, L.P. Wang, D.W. Bennett and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 268, 1 (1992)
Surface Decomposition and Extreme Pressure Tribological Properties of Highly Chlorinated Methanes and Ethanes on Ferrous Surfaces. P.V. Kotvis, L. Huezo, W.S. Millman and W.T. Tysoe. Applications of Surface Science and Advances in Tribology: Experimental Approaches, ACS Symposium Series No. 485, 1992
An Investigation of Film Removal in Extreme Pressure Lubrication Using Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Additives. P.V. Kotvis, M.N. James and W.T. Tysoe. Wear, 153, 305 (1992)
A Reflection-Absorption Infrared Study of the Adsorption of Molecular Oxygen Species on a Silver Foil. X.-D. Wang, R.G. Greenler, L. Truszckowska and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 258, 335 (1991)A Reflection-Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the Adsorption of Atomic Oxygen on Silver. X.-D. Wang, W.T. Tysoe, R.G. Greenler and L. Truszckowska, Surface Science, 257, 335 (1991)
The Surface Decomposition and Extreme Pressure Tribological Properties of Highly Chlorinated Methanes and Ethanes on Ferrous Surfaces. P.V. Kotvis, W.S. Millman, L. Huezo and W.T. Tysoe. Wear, 147, 401 (1991)
The Reaction Pathway for the Growth of Alumina on High Surface Area Alumina and in Ultra-High Vacuum by a Reaction between Trimethyl Aluminum and Water. C. Soto and W.T. Tysoe. J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A9, 2686 (1991)

The Use of 2s-derived Photoemission Peaks in Identifying Hydrocarbons Adsorbed on Transition Metal Surfaces. Luping Wang, Richard Hinkelman and W.T. Tysoe. J. Electron Spec. and Rel. Phenom., 56, 341 (1991).
The Adsorption, Reaction and Decomposition of Propylene on a Clean Mo(100) Surface. Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 245, 41 (1991)
An Investigation of Ethylene Hydrogenation Catalyzed by Molybdenum Using an Isolatable High Pressure Reactor: Identification of the Reaction Site and the Role of Carbonaceous Deposits. Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe. J. Catalysis, 128, 320 (1991)
Propylene Conversion Reactions; Metathesis, Cyclization and Hydrogenolysis Catalyzed by Mo(100) and Oxygen-covered Mo(100). Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe. Catalysis Letts., 6, 111 (1990)The Structural Properties and Thermal Decomposition Pathways for Ethylene Adsorbed on Clean Mo(100). Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 236, 325 (1990)
The Structural and Kinetic Properties of Nitric Oxide Adsorbed on Clean Mo(100) Using Auger and Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy. J.P. Fulmer and W.T. Tysoe. Surface Science, 233, 35 (1990)
An Angle-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy and NEXAFS Study of the Bonding and Orientation of NO on a Mo(100) Surface. J.P. Fulmer, F. Zaera and W.T. Tysoe. Langmuir, 6, 1229 (1990)

The Structural, Reactive and Kinetic Properties of Acetylene on Clean Mo(100). Luping Wang and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 230, 74 (1990)
A Determination of the Bonding and Orientation of Ethylene on Pd(111) by NEXAFS and Photoelectron Spectroscopy. L.P. Wang, W.T. Tysoe, H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, R.M. Ormerod and R.M. Lambert, Surface Science, 94, 4236 (1990)
Discovery of a Tilted Form of Benzene Chemisorbed on Pd(111): A NEXAFS and Photoemission Investigation. H. Hoffmann, F. Zaera, R.M. Ormerod, R.M. Lambert, L.P. Wang and W.T. Tysoe, Surface Science, 232, 259 (1990)
The Surface Chemistry of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Lubrication Additives. P.V. Kotvis and W.T. Tysoe. Applied Surface Science, 40, 213 (1989)Adsorption of Butadiene on Mo(100) below Room Temperature. G. Bredael, F. Zaera and W.T. Tysoe, Langmuir, 5, 899 (1989)

Determination of the Bond Orientation for CO on Mo(100) by using Angle-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure. F. Zaera, J.P. Fulmer and W.T. Tysoe, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A6, 875 (1988)
The Hydrogenation of CO over Molybdenum/Alumina in the Presence of Ethylene; Coupling of Olefin Metathesis and CO Hydrogenation. L.P. Wang, W.S. Millman and W.T. Tysoe, Catalysis Letts., 1, 159 (1988)
The Orientation and Bonding of Thiophene on Clean Mo(100) using Angle-Resolved Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy. J.P. Fulmer, F. Zaera and W.T. Tysoe. J. Phys. Chem., 92, 4147 (1988)

The Reactive and Kinetic Properties of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide on a Graphite Surface. B. Marchon, W.T. Tysoe, J. Carrazza, H.Heinemann and G. A. Somorjai, J. Phys. Chem., 92, 5744 (1988)

An XPS Study of the Oxidation and Reduction of the Rhenium-Platinum System under Atmospheric Conditions. W.T. Tysoe, F. Zaera and G.A. Somorjai. Surface Science, 200, 1 (1988)
Structure and Reactivity at the Halogen/Metal Interface: Chemisorption, Corrosion and Reaction Pathways in the Pd(111)-Cl2 System. W.T. Tysoe and R.M. Lambert. Surface Science, 199, 1 (1988)
The Orientation and Bonding of CO on Mo(100) Using Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure. J.P. Fulmer, W.T. Tysoe and F. Zaera. J. Chem. Phys., 87, 7265 (1987)
A UPS and XPS Investigation of the Adsorption of Sulfur on Mo(100): Adsorpion Site and Lateral Interactions. A.J. Gellman, W.T. Tysoe, F. Zaera and G.A. Somorjai. Surface Science, 191, 271 (1987)
Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene over Palladium in Ultra High Vacuum. W.T. Tysoe, G.L. Nyberg and R.M. Lambert. J. Phys. Chem., 90, 3188 (1986)
Gasification of Graphite with Steam Catalyzed by a Mixture of Potassium Hydroxide and Transition Metal Oxide. W.T. Tysoe, J. Carrazza, H. Heinemann and G.A. Somorjai. J. Catalysis, 96, 234 (1985)Potassium Coadsorption Induced Dissociation of CO on the Rh(111) Crystal Surface: An Isotope Mixing Study. J. Crowell, W.T. Tysoe and G.A. Somorjai. J. Phys. Chem., 89, 1598 (1985)

The Adsorption and Catalyzed Reactions of CO and CO2 on Graphite Surfaces. W.T. Tysoe, J. Carrazza and G.A. Somorjai. Proceedings of the ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry, Symposium on the Gasification of Chars and Carbonaceous Materials. St. Louis, Missouri (1984)Structural, Kinetic and Reactive Properties of the Pd(111)-Ethylene System. W.T. Tysoe, G.L. Nyberg and R.M. Lambert. J. Phys. Chem., 88, 1960 (1984)

Distribution of Reaction Products in the KOH Initiated Low Temperature Steam Gasification of Graphite. W.T. Tysoe, F. Delannay, H. Heinemann and G.A. Somorjai. Applied Catalysis, 10, 111 (1984)
The Role of KOH in the Low Temperature Gasification of Graphite: Identification of the Reaction Steps. F. Delannay, W.T. Tysoe, H. Heinemann and G.A. Somorjai. Carbon, 22, 401 (1984)
Catalyzed Low-temperature Formation of Methane from Water and Graphite. W.T. Tysoe, F. Delannay, H. Heinemann and G.A. Somorjai. Proceedings of the 1983 International Conference on Coal Science, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1983)Low Temperature Methane Production by the Catalyzed Reaction of Graphite and Water Vapor. F. Delannay, W.T. Tysoe, G. Yee, R. Casanova, H. Heinemann and G.A. Somorjai. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Fundamentals of Gas-Carbon Reactions, Seattle, Washington (1983)
Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Heterogeneous Catalysis: Benzene and Ethylene from Acetylene on Pd(111). W.T. Tysoe, G.L. Nyberg and R.M. Lambert. Surface Science, 135, 128 (1983)
Low Temperature Catalytic Chemistry of the Pd(11 I ) Surface: Benzene and Ethylene from Acetylene. W.T. Tysoe, G.L. Nyberg and R.M. Lambert. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 623 (1983)

Molecular Beam Reactive Scattering of Br2 from Pd(111) Using an Electrochemical Effusive Source. W.T. Tysoe, N.D. Spencer and R.M. Lambert. Surface Science, 120, 413 (1982)Surface Chemistry of the Metal-Halogen Interface: Bromine Chemisorption and Dihalide Formation on Pd(111). W.T. Tysoe and R.M. Lambert. Surface Science, 115, 37 (1982)
S2 as a Point Defect in Monosulfide Oxidation. W.T. Tysoe, E.F. McFarland and J.C. Ward. J. Phys. Chem., 82, 1597 (1978)